Roman Discussion Forum

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Wednesday 1pm - 2pm, every week during term

Lecture room, Institute of Archaeology, 36 Beaumont St

Convenors: Professor Andrew Wilson (, Maria Theodora Tzeli and Marie Theres Wittmann.





The series presents new and interesting work on all aspects of Roman archaeology - art, architecture, economy, settlement, technology, etc. The audience is staff, postdocs, graduate students, and others interested in Roman archaeology.

The seminar was established in 2002 to provide a focus for the research community in Roman archaeology which was then nascent and has grown substantially since. It has established itself as a very popular seminar with a core loyal following, swelled by masters and DPhil students. It aims to expose students and staff to a range of exciting and innovative approaches in Roman archaeology, and to provide a venue for visiting speakers as well as local faculty, and also the opportunity for DPhil students to present papers in an amicably critical setting.