Postgraduate Research Degrees
Spotlight on DPhil Researchers at the School

Doctoral students are central to the archaeological research community in Oxford with over a hundred students studying across the whole range of disciplines.
Although students are encouraged to attend lectures, participate in research seminars, and undertake training, there is no pre-determined course of instruction. Students are guided in their research by supervisors, academic or senior research staff, who are experts in their field of research.
All graduate students are also members of the student-led Graduate Archaeology at Oxford which organises a wide range of events and an annual conference.
Whether they are preparing a thesis by publication, or in the traditional monograph form, many students publish their work both during their time as students or after submission.
Degree options
There are three research degrees in Archaeology, examined solely by thesis: the DPhil in Archaeology, the DPhil in Archaeological Science (for which candidates can also submit a thesis by papers), and the DPhil in Classical Archaeology, but projects which cross these disciplinary boundaries are welcome, and students are enrolled in the most appropriate degree.
Degree structure
The DPhil is a full-time degree and students are expected to complete their theses, which have a maximum word length of 80,000 words, within three or at the most four years. To begin with, students are admitted as Probationer Research Students, transferring to full doctoral status within four terms of their arrival. Their progress is formally assessed through the submission of written work and an interview by a small assessment panel ('transfer of status'), while a further similar assessment ('confirmation of status') is held within seven terms of their arrival. At each stage students also make a short formal presentation of their research at one of the Doctoral Student Symposia organised by the School of Archaeology, which help students develop their presentational skills at an early stage of their careers. Successful doctoral theses must, among other things, display evidence of substantial and original research, lucid and scholarly presentation and a sound knowledge of the general field within which the thesis falls.
Information for current students
For all on-course materials, please login to the CANVAS online virtual learning platform (SSO required)
The application process
Full details of the application procedures relating to all (taught and research) degrees administered by the School of Archaeology, including access to the online application form, can be found on the University admissions pages. Questions about their detail should be directed in the first instance to the Graduate Admissions Office. What follows is a summary outline of the procedures followed and the steps that you need to take.
Details of the possible funding mechanisms for new students is given on our Funding for Graduates page. Most funding is specific to the student rather than being allocated to specific projects.
Deadlines for receipt of applications
The University has a number of application deadlines allowing applications to be assessed against each other at a series of dates throughout the academic year. You can apply to study archaeology at Oxford in time for any of the deadlines.
Many programmes are able to consider applications submitted after the last relevant deadline if places are still available but be aware that courses and college places do fill up and so you should apply as soon as possible.
Deadlines for candidates applying for grants
If you are applying for a grant from a UK Research Council, or for Clarendon or other awards, you must apply by the January deadline. You should also indicate on your application that you are applying for a specific award.
The exception to this is the Rhodes Scholarships which have their own deadline typically a year before starting as a student.
Graduate Admissions criteria
Please see
Submitting your application
Your application can only be assessed once all relevant information has been supplied. Please therefore make sure to complete all appropriate sections of the application form and arrange for references and written work to be submitted on time. You will need to provide:
- evidence of previous academic study, including final degree result (or predicted result if you have not yet completed your studies) and academic transcript (where available);
- information on how you will pay fees and support yourself while a graduate student, including information on any scholarships or awards for which you may be applying;
- personal statement, and a research proposal for a DPhil (<1500 words);
- three academic references;
- two pieces of written work.
Existing students
If you are currently studying for a taught course at Oxford and wish to apply to continue onto a research degree with no break in your study you can apply using the Re-admission form. You will need to meet all of the same deadlines and requirements as other applicants except that you will not need to pay a fee to apply. Please see information in the Application guide at
Choosing a College
Please see
Assessment of your application
All applications are assessed by two members of the School of Archaeology with relevant experience and expertise, chosen by the Director of Graduate Studies. If need be, additional advice is also taken. Assessments are made solely on academic grounds, and in the majority of cases interviews are not held. We strongly encourage you to email or visit academic or senior research staff that are likely to supervise your project discuss your research plans before making your application as they can help and advise on the project proposal. The assessment is based on the material submitted with your application after consideration of your previous qualifications, references, personal statement or research proposal and the submitted written work, as outlined above.
Funding status considerations
Whether you have yet secured funding is not taken into consideration in the decision to make an initial offer a place, but please note that the initial offer of a place will not be confirmed until the college which gives you an initial offer of a place is satisfied that you have sufficient funding to cover your fees and living costs for the standard period of fee liability for your course.
Disability, health conditions and specific learning difficulties.
Students are selected for admission without regard to gender, marital or civil partnership status, disability, race, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, age or social background. Decisions on admission are based solely on the individual academic merits of each candidate and the application of the selection criteria appropriate to the programme of study. Further information on how these matters are supported during the admissions process is available at
A list of the current doctoral projects underway is given here with a link to the student and supervisor pages.
Locating, Cataloguing, and Curating the National Trust’s Collections of Ancient Greek Vases Abigail Allan | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Thomas Mannack |
Osteology: Using skeletal injury patterns to determine the salience of perimortem trauma in conflict-related international legal processes. Maria Nektaria Antoniou | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Rick Schulting |
The maritime activities of port communities and harbours of the Eastern Mediterranean through the epigraphical evidence (7th c. BC – 4th c. AD) George Apeitos | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Damian Robinson |
Rethinking the Robberg Technocomplex of Late Pleistocene Southern Africa: The Phase 5 Assemblages of Ntloana Tšoana in Context of the Later Stone Age Miniaturised Lithic Strategies Svenja Arlt | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Peter Mitchell and Charlie Arthur |
The Influence of International Funders in Post-Conflict Heritage Reconstruction: State-Building and Reconciliation in Iraq and Afghanistan Kristen Barrett-casey | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Timothy Clack |
Roman Economy / The Emergence of a Provincial Market: Trade during the Early Roman Conquest of Iberia (218–100 BC). Joel Bellviure Pérez | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
Religion on the Roof? Assessing the religious value of architectural terracottas in Archaic Central Italy (ca. 580-480 BC) Allia Benner | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Charlotte Potts |
Applications of Computational and Spectral Imaging for Epigraphy Taylor Bennett | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Christopher Bronk Ramsey and Charles Crowther |
Understanding the Spatial-Temporal Trends of the Southern African Middle Stone Age Ruby-Anne Birin | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Peter Mitchell and Christopher Bronk Ramsey |
The Characterisation and Prediction of Roman Settlement, Farming and Land Use Patterns in Central and Southern England Paul Chadwick | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
Consolidating Imagination with the Physical Remains: Modernist Ideals in the Architectural Representations of Hisarlık, Site of Ancient Troy Susan Chai | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Stewart |
Emancipatory Archaeology: Resilience in the Terminal Classic at Lamanai, Belize (8th to 11th centuries CE) Guopeng Chen | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Chris Gosden and Alexander Geurds |
Modelling the Roman Economy: Understanding the Effects of the Roman Transport and Trade Systems on Tableware Distribution in the Late Roman East Alex Chiu Smit | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisors: Andrew Wilson and Christopher Howgego |
Markers of Cultural Identity on Pottery: An Integrated Approach to Pottery Analysis from Border Zones Mikayla Coad | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Shadreck Chirikure |
Cretan Hieroglyphic in process: Rethinking the ecology of writing in the Cretan Bronze Age Arthur Coppée | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Lambros Malafouris |
Nourishing Life and Movement: Understanding Diet and Mobility in the Intermediate and Middle Bronze Age in Israel Lev Cosijns | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Rick Schulting |
Wearable Containers of Meaningful Things: English Late Medieval and Early Modern Jewellery to Enclose, Conceal, and Enshrine Caroline Croasdaile | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Eleanor Standley |
Onesimos and his workshop Ollie Croker | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Thomas Mannack |
Unlocking Basque Uniqueness: A Multifaceted Approach Valentin Darre | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Rick Schulting and Greger Larson |
Pirate Societies: An Archaeology of Liminal Maritime Spaces Adam Dawson | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: John Pouncett and Damian Robinson |
'Clazomenian' Black-Figure Pottery Leonie Defonteyne | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Thomas Mannack |
Geospatial Analysis of Scandinavian Settlement in Viking Northumbria Anthony Del Rio | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Helena Hamerow and Jane Kershaw |
Navigating the Sacred: Between Reason and Ritual in the Saronic Gulf (750-85 BCE) Michael Delacruz | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Catherine Morgan |
Social Approaches to the Protection of Underwater Archaeology in the Ionian Islands Liam Devlin | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisors: Damian Robinson and Catherine Morgan |
Celadon of the Six Dynasties (AD220-589) in South China: Production, Consumption, and Identity of Shizu Literati Esther Ding | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Anke Hein |
Moulding Emotion: later medieval badges in England and Wales John Dinges | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Eleanor Standley |
Cognitive Archaeology -- Towards an Incarnational understanding of the Byzantine Icon and its’ role in the Christianisation of the Roman[LF]Empire" Holly Fairgrieve | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Lambros Malafouris |
Screw Piles, Syringes and Selfies: Birch’s Seaside Piers in Crisis. Lindsay Fricker | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Dan Hicks and Damian Robinson |
Sacred Heritage, Identity and Preservation: A Comparative Study of the Meizhou Mazu Ancestral Temple in China and Thian Hock Keng in Singapore Yuxin Fu | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Timothy Clack and Anke Hein |
Understanding 'Greek Colonisation' through material culture: Pottery production and consumption in Campania during the 8th and the 7th centuries BC Marcella Giobbe | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
Horse Power: Interactions between China, Mongolia and the steppe 2000-0 BCE Akari Goda-Maurezzutt | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
Local-scale network and connectivity in in-land water proximity sites of the Maya Lowlands during the Maya periods using emerging technologies Cristina Gonzalez Esteban | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: John Pouncett and Alexander Geurds |
The Social Life of Late Antique Sarcophagi: Location, Audience, and Meaning Alexis Gorby | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Bert Smith and Peter Stewart |
Living in the ruins: Geyre, Aphrodisias, and the archaeology of memory Miranda Gronow | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Ine Jacobs |
The identification of natural organic components in the construction materials of ancient sites in China Yushen He | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Thibaut Deviese and Mark Pollard |
The epidemiological transition: farming in sickness and in health. What was the extent of the pathogenic burden of Neolithic &Bronze Age populations? Katherine Hearne | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Greger Larson and Amy Bogaard |
Aesthetic Preference, Cognitive Ecologies, and Pleistocene Lithics: Towards an Enactive Evolutionary Aesthetics Jim Hicks | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Lambros Malafouris |
The Late Period and Ptolemaic figurines from Thonis-Heracleion Leonie Hoff | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Damian Robinson |
Extricating the importance of freshwater resource use within prehistoric diets: combining the power of bulk and compound specific stable isotope analysis with established freshwater reservoir effects on radiocarbon dates Corrie Hyland | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Rick Schulting and Amy Styring |
‘Nobody wets clay with water and leaves it’: investigating the materials, techniques, and manufacturers of Post-Mauryan terracotta figurines Shem-Raz Idrees | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Damian Robinson |
Archaeobotany, EXPLO project Molly Delaney Jones | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Mike Charles and Amy Bogaard |
Understanding Bronze Vessel Use in Ancient China through Organic Residues Kostja Junglas | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: PeterDitchfield, Mark Pollard and Ruiliang Liu |
The Mystery Banqueters: A Contextual Analysis of the Reclining Male Votive Terracottas of Magna Graecia Isabella Jäger | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Maria Melfi |
N/A ('The Dynamic Earth' research stream) Gavin Kane | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) - Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Victoria Smith |
Why have there been no great women patrons? – Examining the cultural phenomenon of Renaissance female art patronage Carolin Victoria Koenig | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Dan Hicks |
Storage Practices in Early Greece: The Late Geometric and Archaic Pithos in the Cyclades. Myrto Kokkalia | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
Ship A and its Cargo from Pisa San Rossore. A hypothetical reconstruction of a Middle Imperial Age merchant ship Cristina Laurenti | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Damian Robinson |
The Archaeology of Urbanism and Transformation in Southeast Asia Michael Leadbetter | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
Attic Black and Red-Figure Pottery in the Southern Levant Ariel Levine | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Thomas Mannack |
The Taste of Tea: Sensory Archaeology Approaches to Past Foodways in Archaeobotany and Ceramic Studies Melody Li | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Anke Hein and Luciana Carvalho |
Nomadic Empires and the Nomadic Buddha: The influence of Kushan royal portraits in Central and East Asia, 100-800 CE Yicong Li | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Stewart |
Brick Tombs in the Sichuan Basin during the Eastern Han Period (AD 25-220): Regional Identity and Cultural Fusion Lily Liu | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Wendy Morrison and Ine Jacobs |
The Construction of Elite Identity in Early Iron Age Communities Greta Lunder | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
Byzantine hermitages and hermits of the geographically north part(s)of Cyprus: An ethnoarchaeological approach " Gabriella Makri | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Ine Jacobs |
Small Fish, Big Pond: Archaeologies of fishing at Karungu on Lake Victoria Campbell Martin | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Mitchell |
Quantifying Construction and Urban Development in Late Republican Rome: A Study of the Design Process, Logistics, and Economics of Construction Ruairí Matheson-kiernan | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisors: Dominik Maschek and Andrew Wilson |
Exploring the Sirens’ Symbolism and Ties to the Female Mythological World of Archaic and Classical Greece Theodoros Mazis | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Thomas Mannack |
Excavating the Archives: Reassessing the Archaeological Histories of the Basilica Santi Giovanni e Paolo and the Basilica di San Clemente Kelly McClinton | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Ine Jacobs |
From Pompey to Augustus: What can coinage contribute to our understanding of client kingdoms in central Asia Minor during the late-republican period? Denise Miebach | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisors: Jerome Mairat and Ine Jacobs |
Conceptions of Childhood in Ancient Thessaly: A diachronic analysis of the funerary assemblages of children (Late Bronze Age to the end of the Archaic Period) " Kristen Millions | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Maria Stamatopoulou |
Digital Technology, Cultural Heritage, and the Creation of Landscapes of Power. Savannah Milton | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Lambros Malafouris and John Pouncett |
Archaeology in the Information Age: theoretical and practical aspects of archaeological outreach in the past and present. Jakov Mlinarevic | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: David Griffiths and Christopher Bronk Ramsey |
Decolonizing maritime archaeology and democratizing archaeological data: an alternative way to promote and protect maritime cultural heritage in HK Jay Mok | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Damian Robinson and Anke Hein |
Hunting elephants: the pursuit of Nubia in Classical Archaeology Tim Moller | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Stewart |
Cuniculi: Subterranean Water Systems in Italy during the First Millennium BCE Christina Monroe | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisors: Charlotte Potts and Andrew Wilson |
Medieval Archaeology, 'The Relationship between Medieval Pottery Production Centres and Consumer Sites in England, AD 1000-1600' Daniel Morrish | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Eleanor Standley |
'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun': Locating Female Lust in Greek Vase Painting Poppy Moulis | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Thomas Mannack |
Intersecting Constructions of Race and Gender Identities of Black Africans in Hellenistic and Early Imperial Art Eleanor Newman | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Stewart |
The Metal Detector: Potentials and Limitations: A Methodological Update to Roman Coin Finds Rasmus Nielsen | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisors: Christopher Howgego and Andrew Wilson |
Potting in the Pandemic: Investigating Pottery Skill Development and its Wellbeing Impacts in Covid-19 Britain Catherine O'brien | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Lambros Malafouris |
Excavating the Image: Records of Violence and Displacement in Contemporary Levantine Visual Culture Sari Patnaik | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Dan Hicks |
A standard method for studying lithics of the Northwest African Later Stone Age Nicolas Perrault | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Nick Barton |
Worth a Thousand Words: Military and city-state iconography and collective identity in ancient Greece. Mads Proitz | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Thomas Mannack |
Early rice agriculture in Bangladesh: methodological and archaeobotanical perspectives Mizanur Rahman | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Mike Charles and Amy Bogaard |
An Anthropological Theory of Dispossession Sydney Rose | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Dan Hicks |
Gender, Sexuality, and the Construction of Masculine Identities in Late Bronze Age to Archaic Crete (1400–480 BC) Filippos Roussos | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
Maritime Archaeology Another Man’s Treasure: Utilising Surrendered Artefacts from Local Fishing[LF]Vessels to Identify Possible Wrecks in Caesarea" Emma Sarantopoulos | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Damian Robinson |
An Ancient Genomic Assessment of Hybridisation in Dogs and Wolves Over the Last 20,000 Years Lachie Scarsbrook | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Greger Larson |
Using Compound Specific Isotope Analysis and New Metabolomics Techniques to Explore Novel Dietary Biomarkers for Palaeodietary Reconstruction Michael Scott | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Rachel Wood, James McCullagh and Amy Styring |
Becoming Chu: Interaction and Ideology during the Eastern Zhou Period Shui Shen | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
Change and Continuity in the Spatial and Social Organisation of Late Longshan (2500-1900BC) Sites on Zhengzhou Plains, Henan, China Muyang Shi | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Rick Schulting and Anke Hein |
African Archaeology & Cognitive Archaeology Tjaark Siemssen | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Peter Mitchell and Lambros Malafouris |
Oxygen isotope dendrochronology in New Zealand Jennice Singh | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Christopher Bronk Ramsey |
Field: Classical Archaeology Title: Healing rituals: Embodiment and selfhood from the Classical period until the end of Antiquity in the Mediterranean" Evangelos Skoupas | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Lambros Malafouris |
Rethinking the Chaîne Opératoire Approach: Agency and Cognition in Bronze Age Aegean Pottery Production Katie Slaughter | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Lambros Malafouris |
Archaeology and Disaster: Geospatial and remote sensing approaches for determining the susceptibility of archaeology to disaster Rachel Smith | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
Weaving Material Mind Maps: Cognitive Networks Based on the Semiotic Variants of Dolmens on the Korean Peninsula Hoin Song | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Lambros Malafouris and John Pouncett |
Foraging to farming: diet and health on the frontier of maize agriculture in pre-Columbian central Chile Jaime Swift | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Rick Schulting |
Dynamic Earth - Geomorphology and Landscape Dynamics Leah Tavasi | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) - Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Lisa Wedding and Damian Robinson |
Developing an Integrated Digital Platform for Chinese Archaeological Artefact Information Retrieval, Analysis, and Public Education Yan Tian | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Christopher Bronk Ramsey and Anke Hein |
A comparative analysis of how armed conflict and the destruction of cultural heritage impacts communities Beth Timmins | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Timothy Clack and Dan Hicks |
Timber Roof Construction in the Changing Social, Economic and Political Landscape of the Roman Empire: A Study of Temples Maria Theodora Tzeli | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisors: Dominik Maschek and Andrew Wilson |
The network of fortified settlements of Eastern Central Greece from the late 6th c to the Ottoman Conquest Katerina Vavaliou | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Ine Jacobs |
A Spatial Analysis of the Built Environment Surrounding Mosaics in Imperial Period Greece and Asia Minor Nikki Vellidis | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Stewart |
Reconstructing the ecology and chronology of Neolithic agropastoral management at Dispilio, Lake Orestias Doris Vidas | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Amy Bogaard, Amy Styring and Mike Charles |
A tale of two continents: refining the tephrostratigraphies for two volcanic regions; Campania, Italy and Lake Suigetsu, central Japan Sophie Vineberg | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) - Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Victoria Smith and Paul Albert |
“Making the landscape”: a palaeoecological and archaeological investigation of late prehistoric land uses in upland England. Marguerite Waechter | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) - Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Mike Charles and Amy Bogaard |
Focusing on the systematic typological study and through a great deal of induction and arrangement work Ruyue Wang | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
A multi-isotope approach to hunter-gatherer mobility and microregional connectivity in Middle Holocene Cis-Baikal, Southern Siberia Karolina Werens | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Rick Schulting |
Early Anglo-Saxon barrow burials in England: spatial analysis and contextualisation of the Sixth and Seventh Century nationwide funerary landscape. Wyatt Wilcox | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: John Pouncett and Helena Hamerow |
Collaborative Custodians: Practical Solutions to Curation & Knowledge Revival Through Zimbabwean Museums Thandiwe Wilson | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Shadreck Chirikure and Laura van Broekhoven |
Classical Antiquities and the Pursuit of Knowledge: new perspectives on Victorian collections Roswyn Wiltshire | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Stewart |
Children and Childhood in Greece during the Early Iron Age and Archaic Period. Holly Winch | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
The Urban Development of North African Cities during the Severan Dynasty (AD 193-235) Marie Theres Wittmann | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
An integrated study of Neolithic wetland agroecology in the Lower Yangtze river basin, China Rubi Wu | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Mike Charles and Amy Bogaard |
A Potter’s Story of the Blue-and-White: Manufacturing Porcelain Beyond the Imperial Workshop in Jingdezhen, China, in the Late Ming Dynasty (1522-1644) Siyi Wu | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Chris Doherty and Anke Hein |
WF16 Archaeobotanical Study: Exploring Early Neolithic Settlements in Southern Jordan Yuxi Xie | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Mike Charles and Amy Bogaard |
Seafaring in Gujarat: enquiry into the geo-climatic factors and maritime tradition up to 500 CE Ajay Yadav | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Damian Robinson |
Sexuality and ritual in the prehistory of Southwest Asia and the Levant. Emre Yurttas | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bill Finlayson |
Culture Contact and Interregional Interaction Across the East Rim of the Tibetan Plateau from the Late Neolithic to the Bronze Age Yidan Zhang | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Anke Hein |
The Role of South and East Africa in the Indian Ocean Rim Muchen Zhou | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Shadreck Chirikure |
The Provenance of Medieval Copper and Copper Alloys at Unguja Ukuu, East Africa: Unveiling the Social Nexus of Trade and Exchange in the Western Indian Ocean Jingyuan/Yvonne Zou | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Anke Hein and Shadreck Chirikure |
A list of completed doctoral projects is given here. For recent thesis there is a link to the Oxford University Research Archive (ORA) which holds theses since 2007. Some earlier theses may also be deposited.
An archaeobotanical study of the prehistoric lakeshore settlement sequence at Ploča Mičov Grad, Lake Ohrid, North Macedonia Amy Holguin (2024) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Mike Charles and Amy Bogaard |
Thracian Chamber Tombs (5th-2nd Centuries BC) Blagovesta Atanassova (2023) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Maria Stamatopoulou |
'For a quart of ale is a dish for a king'? Malting, brewing and beer in the Mid Anglo-Saxon period: a case study of Sedgeford Hannah Caroe (2023) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Mike Charles and Amy Bogaard |
Hellenistic Mouldmade Relief Bowls in Thessaly Anna Dalgkitsi (2023) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Maria Stamatopoulou |
An assemblage and material agency approach to the function of jades in a mortuary context: the case of Fu Hao's tomb in late Shang China Xuying Du (2023) ORA | MLitt Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
Ancient Egyptian Ship and Boat Models between Theory and Experimental Simulation Nesrin Elgaly (2023) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Damian Robinson |
Unravelling the complex meanings and origins of 'zisha' teapots in the Ming and Qing dynasties Xuyang Gao (2023) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Anke Hein and Chris Doherty |
Human Influences on Animals from an Ancient DNA Perspective: Case Studies on Chinese Domestic Cats (Felis silvestris catus), Chinese Leopard Cats (Prionailurus bengalensis), Eurasia Fallow Deer (Dama dama), and Chinese Domestic Pigs (Sus scrofa) Yu Han (2023) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Greger Larson |
Counter Memories: Seeing Empire through the National Trust, c. 1895 - c. 2020 Becky Hodgkinson (2023) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Dan Hicks |
Crete and the Sea: The Maritime Cultural Landscape of Late Hellenistic and Imperial Crete Dimitrios Karampas (2023) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Damian Robinson |
A techno-socioeconomic investigation of the Husi kiln complex in the middle Yangtze River Valley Zihan Li (2023) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Anke Hein and Chris Doherty |
Nuna Nalluyuituq/The Land Remembers: Spatial technology, collaborative community engagement, and capacity building in Southwest Alaskan cultural landscapes Jonathan Lim (2023) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Rick Schulting and John Pouncett |
Late Holocene Cultural Dynamics and Trans-Saharan Connections in Southeastern Mauritania: A Remote Sensing Approach Gonzalo Linares Matas (2023) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Mitchell |
A drop of soul amidst the clay - Cognitive aspects of Mycenaean archives and archival texts Miriam Mann (2023) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisors: Chris Gosden and Lisa Bendall |
Clayful Phenomenology and Material Engagement: explorations in contemporary cognitive archaeology Paul March (2023) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Lambros Malafouris |
Plantiness: Re-evaluating Plant-Human Relationships Across Temporal Landscapes in Britain Molly Masterson (2023) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
Climate and Chronology: Environmental Variability and the Archaeology of Marine Isotope Stage 3 Monty Ochocki (2023) ORA | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) - Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Thomas Higham and Christopher Bronk Ramsey |
Warrior Women: The changing appeal of the Amazon in the art of Greece and the wider Mediterranean c. 600-300 B.C. Alice Parkin (2023) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Thomas Mannack |
Style as Memory: A Cross-disciplinary Approach to the Knossian Kamares Style Emanuele Prezioso (2023) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Lambros Malafouris |
The Technology of Tang Sancai Glaze Yun Zhang (2023) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Mark Pollard and Chris Doherty |
Violence Leaves Scars: A Biocultural Approach to Violence in Prehistoric Jomon Japan Izumi Braddick (2022) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Rick Schulting and Mark Hudson |
Archaeological marine carbonates in northern Hokkaido, Japan: methodology, chronology and palaeothermometry Tansy Branscombe (2022) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Rick Schulting and Julia Lee-Thorp |
Living Standards and Market Integration in the Rural Economy of Roman Britain Maggie Burr (2022) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
Forging a new Age: the technological origins of iron metallurgy in the Late Bronze Age Near East. Robert Downes (2022) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Christopher Salter and Mark Pollard |
Collecting Worlds: Biocultural Comparison and the HMS Beagle Voyage, 1831-1836 Danielle Gilbert (2022) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Dan Hicks |
In the Spirit of Engagement: Memories and the sensorium in Algonquin canoe building Jonathan Goldner-Jacobs (2022) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Lambros Malafouris |
What to Cook and How to Cook it: Understanding the interplay of subsistence, ceramic technology, and local environments in the emergence of pottery in Northeast Asia through residues Jennifer Keute (2022) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Anke Hein and Thibaut Deviese |
Between the Caves and the Sea: the Late Glacial occupation of the English East Midlands Julia Kotthaus (2022) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Nick Barton |
Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Laconia: Settlements, cemeteries and sanctuaries (1200-700 BC) Deborah Koussiounelos (2022) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
Dressing as horsemen: The universalisation of steppe dress in the first half of Tang dynasty China (618-755) Kyoko Nomoto (2022) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Jessica Rawson |
The Transformation of an Agricultural Economy. Forms of rural settlement in Epirus from the 2nd century BCE to the 4th century CE Nefeli Piree Iliou (2022) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
‘To call each thing by its right name?’ Exploring the potential of geometric morphometrics to interpret the diversity of archaeobotanical wheat grains Tina Roushannafas (2022) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Amy Bogaard and Mike Charles |
Histological, Physicochemical, and Osteogenic Reaction-Related Approaches to Identifying the Pre-Burning Condition of Bone Emese Vegh (2022) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Rick Schulting |
The role of conflict during the adoption of agriculture in the Southwestern Japanese Archipelago: Late-Final Jomon and Yayoi Period Traumatic Lesions Alyssa White (2022) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Rick Schulting and Mark Hudson |
Cities and the Mongol Conquest: Urban Change in Central Asia from 1200-1400 Katie Campbell (2021) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Paul Wordsworth and Chris Gosden |
Recovery and analysis of organic residues from metal corrosion Luciana Carvalho (2021) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Mark Pollard and Colin Johnston |
Chinese apocrypha titled Foshuo fumu enzhong jing as material culture in medieval Chinese society Ying Chen (2021) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Amy Bogaard |
Figural sculpture in Roman Britain and its Continental relationships Penny Coombe (2021) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Stewart |
Technological transfer in production of Majiayao-style pottery between Neolithic communities in northwest China Evgenia Dammer (2021) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Anke Hein |
Ancient DNA perspectives on pathogen evolution in domestic animals Antony Dimopoulos (2021) ORA | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) - Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Greger Larson |
The Rise of Shimao 2800–1300 BC in the North Loess Plateau, China: An Exploration of the climate, demographic, economic, and material culture influences Brianne Fung (2021) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Julia Lee-Thorp and Amy Styring |
Taming Metals: The Use of Leaded Bronze in Early China, 2000-1250 BCE Limin Huan (2021) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Mark Pollard |
Tradigital Knowledge? Indigenous Video Games, Intellectual Property Law, and the Protection of Traditional Knowledge Gabrielle Hughes (2021) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Chris Gosden and Graeme Dinwoodie |
Deep-Sea Archaeology in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Cyprus Achilles Iasonos (2021) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Damian Robinson |
Rats, cats and hares: exploring natural and humanly-mediated dispersal through a genetic approach Alexandra Jamieson (2021) ORA | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) - Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Greger Larson |
Diet and Health in a time of transition: Pictish and Viking age Orkney Alexandra Johnson (2021) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Rick Schulting and Helena Hamerow |
The Bay of Biscay as a sphere of interaction (2900-1100 BC): big data and big thinking in the Bronze Age Juan Latorre-Ruiz (2021) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
The origin of Chinese glasses and the glass trade along the Silk Road from the Warring States (475 BC-221 BC) to the Han Dynasty (202 BC- AD 220) Qian Ma (2021) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Mark Pollard |
Agriculture and citadel in the Bronze Age Aegean: the view from Western Anatolia Tom Maltas (2021) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Mike Charles and Amy Bogaard |
Reconstructing diet and pottery technology of the Early Bronze Age ‘Kura-Araxes Culture’: a multi-analytical approach Nyree Manoukian (2021) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Chris Doherty and Mark Pollard |
Landscape Archaeology and Aerial Photography in the Central Ionian Islands Gian Piero Milani (2021) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Catherine Morgan |
Primate Archaeology: Comparative models for the evolution of primate technical cognition through tool use Hannah Mosley (2021) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Lambros Malafouris |
The Representation of Gods on Roman Historical Narrative Reliefs, 200 BC-AD 315 Thomas Pears Runeckles (2021) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
Imperial Villas in Italy, Antoninus Pius to Maxentius: a Study in Architecture and Functions Alice Poletto (2021) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisors: Janet DeLaine and Dominik Maschek |
Communities of Practice Theory in Egyptian Archaeology: A Case Study for Its Application with Old Kingdom Sealings and Seal Impressions from Giza Siobhan Shinn (2021) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Lambros Malafouris and Paul Collins |
A bioarchaeological study of intensification of pig husbandry in the middle Yellow River region during the Yangshao Period (7000–5000 BP) Quan Zhang (2021) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Julia Lee-Thorp and Amy Styring |
The Marble Kyklos: Social Cognition, Social Complexity and Material Engagement in the Aegean Bronze Age Alexander Aston (2020) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Lambros Malafouris |
The Roman public baths of Central Italy during the Imperial period: An architectural study Konogan Beaufay (2020) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisors: Janet DeLaine and Charlotte Potts |
A Study of How Packaging Reveals Categorisation and Status in the Qianlong Emperor’s Collection Ying-ching Chou (2020) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Jessica Rawson and Henrietta Harrison |
Remnants of a Roman Past: the reuse of Roman objects in early Anglo-Saxon graves, c. AD 5th-7th centuries Jessica Dunham (2020) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Helena Hamerow |
Changing Meanings of Megalithic Monuments in the Upper Baram, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo Nicholas Gani (2020) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
Prehistoric Aesthetics: An Ontology of Stone Age Art from the Lower Palaeolithic until the Neolithic Brecht Govaerts (2020) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Lambros Malafouris and Chris Gosden |
Affect and materiality in therapeutic spaces. A contemporary archaeology of hospices John Harries (2020) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Lambros Malafouris |
Understanding past abrupt climatic change through the reduction of chronological uncertainty Rebecca Kearney (2020) ORA | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) - Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Christopher Bronk Ramsey, Richard Staff and Paul Albert |
Climate change and major plagues in the Roman Period Brandon McDonald (2020) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
Late Glacial Geography of the Channel River Network. Southeastern England and its Central Position in the British Peninsular and Ties with Northwestern Europe William Mills (2020) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Alison Roberts |
Modelling Seafaring in Iron Age Atlantic Europe Karl Smith (2020) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Rick Schulting and John Pouncett |
Women, Gender, and Society in Late Antiquity: A Study in Visual Culture Grace Stafford (2020) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Ine Jacobs |
Underwater Acoustic Localization and Referencing: An Enhanced Subsurface Positioning Method for Archaeological Data Collection of Submerged Cultural Resources Matthew Thompson (2020) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: John Pouncett and Damian Robinson |
Cosmology, Fashion and Good fortune: Chinese auspicious ornament in the Han dynasty (206BC - 220AD) Shengyu Wang (2020) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Helena Hamerow |
A chronometric investigation of the initial peopling of the Americas Lorena Becerra Valdivia (2019) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Thomas Higham and Katerina Douka |
Ancient Shipwrecks and Archaeological Science: Characterising cargo items through stable isotope, organic residue, and DNA analysis Lisa Briggs (2019) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Damian Robinson and Greger Larson |
Looking to the North Sea: Isotopic and osteological evidence for medieval diet, mobility, and health at Stoke Quay, Ipswich Nora Farber (2019) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Julia Lee-Thorp and Helena Hamerow |
The Hellenistic Terracottas from Demetrias Stylianos Ieremias (2019) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Maria Stamatopoulou |
Palaeogenomics of Animal Domestication: Integrating ancient and modern DNA using bioinformatics and population genetics Evan Irving-Pease (2019) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Greger Larson |
Radiocarbon dating Late Pleistocene megafauna in southern Europe Eileen Jacob (2019) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Thomas Higham and Thibaut Deviese |
The Archaeology of Middle Byzantine Aphrodisias Hugh Jeffery (2019) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisors: Bert Smith and Ine Jacobs |
Gilded wreaths from the Late Classical and Hellenistic Periods Rosemary Jeffreys (2019) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisors: Maria Stamatopoulou and Chris Doherty |
The agricultural economies of early urban systems in the northern Fertile Crescent Hyunyoung Kim (2019) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Mike Charles and Amy Bogaard |
The Ceramic Trade between China and Southeast Asia during the Song Dynasty (960-1279) Peining Li (2019) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Julia Lee-Thorp |
Maritime Infrastructure in the Eastern Mediterranean: a context based approach to continuity and innovation in nautical technology (c.1400-700 BC) Tzveta Manolova (2019) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
Establishing a detailed tephrochronological framework for Japan to aid the synchronisation of palaeoenvironmental records across the Asian/Pacific region Danielle McLean (2019) ORA | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) - Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Victoria Smith and Paul Albert |
Imperial portrait practice in the second century AD: Marcus Aurelius and Faustina the Younger Christian Niederhuber (2019) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
Empirical and Theoretical Approaches to Assessing the Local Radiocarbon Marine Reservoir Effect Eduardo Queiroz Alves (2019) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Christopher Bronk Ramsey and Kita Macario |
Novel Approaches to Assess the Prevalence of Palaeoparasites in European Archaeological Sites Hannah Ryan (2019) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Greger Larson and Adrian Smith |
Assessing the composition and timing of Late Quaternary volcanic eruptions in southern South America using tephra layers from lacustrine and peat sequences Rebecca Smith (2019) ORA | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) - Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Victoria Smith, Karen Fontijn and Stefan Wastegard |
Exploring the Lower Xiajiadian in Northeast China (ca. 2000-1300 BC) Xiaojia Tang (2019) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Jessica Rawson and Mark Pollard |
Funerary Stelai from Roman-period Anatolia, 100BC to AD400: Regional Considerations of Cultural, Social, and Economic Expressions in Funerary Contexts Sydney Taylor (2019) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
The Burial Rite of Enchytrismos in Attica, Euboea and Boeotia during the late Geometric and Archaic periods: Towards an understanding of social dimension Daphne Vlanti (2019) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
Steppe and Local Identities on the Frontier of the State and Empire of Qin during the 7th to 3rd centuries BC Wai kwan Wong (2019) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Jessica Rawson and Anke Hein |
Identity and Society within Landscapes of Memory: Iron Age Cult at Bronze Age Ruins (1000-700 BC) Christopher Adamson (2018) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
The social world of hunter-gatherers in Early Holocene Lesotho: Integrating Theory and Method Charlie Arthur (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Mitchell |
A Landscape of Conflict? Rural Fortifications in the Argolid (400-146 BC) Anna Blomley (2018) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Maria Stamatopoulou |
The Monetary Circulation of Moesia Inferior from the beginning of the 2nd Century AD to the end of the 3rd Century AD Ivan Bonchev (2018) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Christopher Howgego |
Stable Isotopes as Tracers of Copper Corrosion in the Atmosphere and Soil Environment: A Geographic Study on Brochantite and Malachite Formations on Historic and Archaeological Material Using δ18O, δ13C and δD Daniela Boos Pedroza (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Mark Pollard |
Exploitation, Technology and Function of Plant Resins in Oceania: Molecular Analysis of Ethnographic Museum Artefacts and the Implications for Archaeological Resin Analysis Fiona Bradshaw (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Mark Pollard |
The Zhou identity: its construction, perception and development in the early Western Zhou (1045-978 B.C.) Alice Cheng (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Jessica Rawson |
Feeding the City: a comparative study of agricultural production in Bronze Age urban systems of Western Asia Charlotte Diffey (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Mike Charles and Amy Bogaard |
Macedonian Urbanism? Cities, public building, and the character of political space in Macedonia, ca. 350-150 BC Martin Gallagher (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Maria Stamatopoulou |
Assessing the nature of early farming in Neolithic Western Asia: a functional ecological approach to emerging arable weeds Laura Green (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Mike Charles and Amy Bogaard |
Territory and state formation in the Archaic Peloponnese: a survey-based approach to the development of the early polis Kira Hopkins (2018) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
A Matter of Time – Towards an Absolute Chronology for the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic Biocultural Shift along the Danube Fluvial Corridor Rachel Hopkins (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Thomas Higham |
Tracing Tradition: Patterns of technological innovation and the circulation of copper in Southwest Asia from the 8th to 1st millennia BCE Philly Howarth (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Mark Pollard and Peter Hommel |
Thessaly: From the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age (c. 1600-700 BC) Eleni Karouzou (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
The Making of Philip's Macedonia: the archaeology of the Macedonian kingdom from the Persian Wars to the fall of Perdiccas III (c.510-359BC) Laura Laslett (2018) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Maria Stamatopoulou |
Untangled: Species identification of silks by protein mass spectrometry Bo Lee (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Mark Pollard |
Mining under Empire: Exploiting the Metal Resources of Roman Dacia Swii yii Lim (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
Formal Methods for Evolutionary Inference using Ancient DNA Liisa Loog (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Greger Larson |
Connecting Past and Present: The Archaeology of the Contemporary Past in the Glades of Embobut, Kenya Sam Lunn-Rockliffe (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Mitchell |
The Bronze-Iron Age Transition in Achaea, Western Greece: Continuity and Change from the 12th to the 8th Century BC Christina Marini (2018) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
The Marble Statuettes from the Athenian Agora, first century BC to fourth century AD Brian Martens (2018) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
The Role of Anglo-Saxon Great Hall Complexes in Kingdom Formation, in comparison and in context, AD500-750 Adam McBride (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Helena Hamerow |
The impact of iron technology on the economy of the Aegean and Cyprus from 1200-850 BCE Joanna Palermo (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
Neolithic occupation and stone working on the Yorkshire Wolds John Pouncett (2018) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
Dynamics underlying Plasmodium Vivax mitochondrial genome diversity across the Eastern Hemisphere. A past human migratory perspective Leonie Raijmakers (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Amy Bogaard and Alyssa Barry |
Mercenaries in the Eastern Mediterranean from the Late Bronze Age to Iron Age Hannah Ringheim (2018) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
Integrating Art, Landscape, and Archaeology. Investigations of Prehistoric Wall Paintings at Çatalhöyük Ina St George (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Chris Gosden and Mark Pollard |
Identifying and comparing meteorological and geographical influences on high resolution climate signals in the oxygen isotope values of different environmental archives Elisabeth Thompson (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Christopher Bronk Ramsey |
'Stuck like glue': Assessing variability in hafting adhesives during the southern African Later Stone Age Margaret-ashley Veall (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Mark Pollard and Peter Mitchell |
Chinese Ceramics in the Islamic World from the 8th to 10th centuries CE Wen Wen (2018) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: William Treadwell |
A comparative study of the lithic technology, subsistence and bioclimatic settlement patterns of Neanderthals in the Iberian Peninsula (Cantabrian and Betic regions) Marco Bernal (2017) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Thomas Higham |
Birds in the Aegean Bronze Age Julia Binnberg (2017) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Lisa Bendall |
The North-Eastern Aegean 1050-600 BC Yangos Chalazonitis (2017) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
Cultural Interactions during the Zhou Period (C.A. 1000 - 350 B.C.): A Study of Networks from the Suizao Corridor Beichen Chen (2017) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Jessica Rawson |
How did the iron industry in Southern Britain change from the Iron Age to the Roman period? Steve Crabb (2017) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Mark Pollard and Wendy Morrison |
Apollo-Mithras and Jupiter Dolichenus: forming gods in Commagene and the Roman Empire from the first century BC to the third century AD Dominic Dalglish (2017) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: John Elsner |
Trade, development and resilience: An archaeology of contemporary livelihoods in Turkana, Northern Kenya Sam Derbyshire (2017) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Peter Mitchell and Dan Hicks |
From Individuals to Settlement Patterns. Bridging the Gap between the Living and the Dead in Early Medieval Populations by an Agent-Based Demographic Model Andreas Duering (2017) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Helena Hamerow |
Forging bonds: Gold and Silver in High-Status Interaction of Eastern Eurasia, 6th to 9th century Jiemin Fang (2017) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Jessica Rawson |
Christian Stucco Decoration in Southern Mesopotamia and the Persian Gulf Region, sixth to ninth centuries Agnieszka Lic (2017) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Marlia Mango and Janet DeLaine |
Capturing changes: applying the Oxford system to further understand the movement of metal in Shang China Ruiliang Liu (2017) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Mark Pollard |
Diets in England: Change, Continuity and Regionality between the Iron Age and Domesday Book (700 B.C. - 1086 A.D.) Sarah Mallet (2017) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
Coinage in Etruria: Circulation and Uses 500-32 BC Matt Naiman (2017) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Christopher Howgego |
Landscape and Connections: Petroglyphs of the Altai in the 2nd and 1st Millennium BCE Rebecca O'Sullivan (2017) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Jessica Rawson and Courtney Nimura |
The supply of building materials to construction projects in Roman Oxfordshire: logistics, economics, and social significance Edward Peveler (2017) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Janet DeLaine and Chris Doherty |
Carmen Heroum: Greek Epic in Roman Friezes Alison Pollard (2017) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Stewart |
The Prehistory of Madagascar: Microbotanical and Archaeological Evidence from Coastal and Highland Sites Solomon Pomerantz (2017) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Peter Mitchell |
From Trash to Treasure: The Recycling of Glass in Roman and Early Medieval Britain Victoria Sainsbury (2017) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Mark Pollard and Wendy Morrison |
Towards an Absolute Chronology of Early Mesopotamia: a Radiocarbon Perspective Maciej Wencel (2017) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Christopher Bronk Ramsey and Michael Dee |
Absorbed Organic Residue Analysis of Amphorae from the Black Sea Region (3rd to 6th c.AD): Analyses and Methodological Considerations Marshall Woodworth (2017) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Mark Pollard, Paul Reynolds and Andrew Wilson |
Sri Lanka and the Indian Ocean contacts: Internal networks and external connections Bohingamuwa Bohingamu Herath Mudiyanselage (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Nicole Boivin, Derek Kennet and Damian Robinson |
From Hispalis to Ishbiliyya: the ancient port of Seville, from the Roman Empire to the end of the Islamic Period (45 BC - AD 1248) Carlos Cabrera Tejedor (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Marlia Mango and Damian Robinson |
Roles of Weapons: Significance, Identity and Value in Shang (c.1600-1050 B.C.) Society in China Qin Cao (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Jessica Rawson and Wendy Morrison |
The Orientalising Phenomenon on Crete, 9th-7th centuries BC Ann-sofie Diener (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
A Study in Grey: Grey Literature and Archaeology in England 1990 to 2010 Victoria Donnelly (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
Two Million Years of Environmental Change: A case study from Wonderwerk Cave, Northern Cape, South Africa Michaela Ecker (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Julia Lee-Thorp |
Rehydroxylation Dating Vincent Hare (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Christopher Bronk Ramsey |
New Insights into Old Problems: The Application of a Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of Early Egyptian Ceramic Chronology, with a Focus on Luminescence Dating Amber Hood (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Christopher Bronk Ramsey and Jean-Luc Schwenninger |
Dynamic Flows of Copper and Copper Alloys across the Prehistoric Eurasian Steppe from 2000 to 300 BCE Yiu-Kang Hsu (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Jessica Rawson and Mark Pollard |
Exploring palaeoaridity using stable oxygen and carbon isotopes in small mammal teeth: a case study from two Late Pleistocene archaeological cave sites in Morocco, North Africa Amy Jeffrey (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Julia Lee-Thorp |
Sea Surface Temperatures from Oxygen Isotopes in Marine Molluscs in Middle and Later Stone Age Sites, South Africa Emma Loftus (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Julia Lee-Thorp and Judith Sealy |
Revisiting the Origins of Islamic Glazed Pottery: A Technological Examination of 8th-10th Century AD Ceramics from Islamic Lands Moujan Matin (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Oliver Watson and Mark Pollard |
Materiality in numerical cognition: Material Engagement Theory and the counting technologies of the Ancient Near East Leee Overmann (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Lambros Malafouris and Chris Gosden |
Fruits of the Forest: Human Stable Isotope Ecology and Rainforest Adaptations in Late Pleistocene and Holocene Sri Lanka Patrick Roberts (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Michael Petraglia and Julia Lee-Thorp |
Chemical Composition, Thermodynamics and Recycling: The Beginnings of Predictive Behavioural Modelling for Ancient Copper-based Systems Benjamin Sabatini (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Mark Pollard |
Transition from the Late Roman Period to the Early Anglo-Saxon Period in the Upper Thames Valley based on Stable Isotopes Yurika Sakai (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Helena Hamerow and Julia Lee-Thorp |
From the Andes to the Coast: Human mobility and diet in the Atacama Desert during the Late Intermediate Period (AD 900-1450) Francisca Santana Sagredo (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Rick Schulting and Julia Lee-Thorp |
Building the Countryside: A Regional Perspective on the Architecture and Settlement of Rural Tripolitania from the 1st c. BC to the 7th c. AD Nichole Sheldrick (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
The circulation of flesh: regional food producing/consuming systems in Southern England 1500BC-AD1086 Dan Stansbie (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
An Archaeobotanical investigation into the Chalcolithic economy and social organisation of central Anatolia Elizabeth Stroud (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Mike Charles and Amy Bogaard |
Art and Natural Science in the Hellenistic World Joshua Thomas (2016) ORA | DPhil Classical Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
The Avon Valley in the fifth to mid-seventh centuries: contacts and coalescence in a frontier polity? Abigail Tompkins (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Helena Hamerow |
Neolithic agricultural management in the Eastern Mediterranean: new insight from a multi-isotope approach Petra Vaiglova (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Julia Lee-Thorp and Amy Bogaard |
Mobilising Stone: Investigating Relations of Materiality, Movement and Corporality in Holocene Saharan Rock Art Victoria Waldock (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Peter Mitchell and Chris Gosden |
The fluvial landscape of Angkor: an integrated study Veronica Walker Vadillo (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Damian Robinson and Linda Hulin |
Hellenistic and Roman bronze statuettes in the Ashmolean Museum: a study in ancient and modern reception Nicholas West (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Susan Walker and Bert Smith |
Palaeodietary Reconstruction in Late Antique Spain and Assessing Means of Inter-Site Comparison Maggie Ziriax (2016) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Rick Schulting |
Portrait Busts of Roman Women in the Third Century AD Helen Ackers (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
Small-island Interactions: Pottery from Roman Malta Maxine Anastasi (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Paul Reynolds and Andrew Wilson |
Neolithic Anatolia and Central Europe: Disentangling Environmental Impacts from Diet Istotope Studies Chelsea Budd (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Rick Schulting |
Detecting Archaeological sites in the Eastern Sahara using satellite remote sensing and digital image processing Robert Corrie (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: John Baines and Gary Lock |
Tephrochronology as a tool for assessing the synchronicity of Middle Palaeolithic and Upper Palaeolithic techno-complexes in the Caucasus Victoria Cullen (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Victoria Smith |
The Dark Side of Vesuvius: Landscape Change and the Roman Economy Ferdinando De Simone (2015) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
Holistic Shipwreck Assemblages in 14th and 15th Century Southeast Asia Brian Fahy (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Damian Robinson |
The Rites of Spring: A Cognitive Analysis of Ritual Activity in the Agricultural Transition in South-West Asia and North-Western Europe Michael Gantley (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Harvey Whitehouse and Amy Bogaard |
Royal Coinage in Hellenistic Bactria: a die study of coins from Euthydemus I to Antimachus I Simon Glenn (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Shailendra Bhandare and Bert Smith |
In Search of the Dioskouroi: Image, Myth and Cult Sarah Graham (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Robert Parker and Donna Kurtz |
Early Life Histories: A Study of Past Childhood Diet and Health Using Stable Isotopes and Enamel Hypoplasia Rowena Henderson (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Julia Lee-Thorp |
Roman Religious Ritual: A Zooarchaeological Perspective Rachel Hesse (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Mark Robinson and Andrew Wilson |
The Prehistory of Material Signification: Tracing the Nature and Emergence of Early Body Ornamentation through a Pragmatic and Enactive Theory of Cognitive Semiotics Antonis Iliopoulos (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Michael Petraglia and Lambros Malafouris |
The port of Berenike Troglodytica on the Red Sea: A landscape-based approach to the study of its harbour and its role in Indo-Mediterranean trade Ania Kotarba-Morley (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Damian Robinson and Andrew Wilson |
Understanding Violence in Medieval London: An Examination of the Skeletal Evidence Kathryn Krakowka (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Rick Schulting |
Early microlithic technologies and behavioural variability in southern Africa and South Asia Laura Lewis (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Michael Petraglia |
A GIS-based analysis of hillfort location and morphology Jessica Murray (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Ian Ralston and Gary Lock |
The Gatherer and the Grindstone: towards a methodological toolkit for grindstone analysis in southern Africa Luiseach Nic Eoin (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Peter Mitchell and Mark Pollard |
Physical Barriers, Cultural Connections: a Reconsideration of the Metal Flow at the Beginning of the Metal Age in the Alps Laura Perucchetti (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Mark Pollard |
Greek Myths Abroad: A Regional Comparative Study of their Funerary Uses in Fourth-Century BC Apulia and Etruria Valeria Riedemann Lorca (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
What is Icenian coinage? John Talbot (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
The Spatial Construct of Social Relations: social transformation in early Kau-Shi, Taiwan Mu-chun Wu (2015) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Gary Lock and Chris Gosden |
The value of osteology in an historic context: a comparison of osteological and historical evidence for trauma in the late 18th to early 19th century British Royal Navy Ceri Boston (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Mark Pollard |
Images, objects and imperial power in the Roman and Qin-Han Empires Jack Carlson (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Bert Smith and Jessica Rawson |
On the Endurance of Indigenous Religious Culture in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt: Evidence of Material Culture Tiffany Chezum (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Judith Mckenzie and John Baines |
Using commensals as proxies for historical inference in the Indian Ocean: Genetic and Zooarchaeological Perspectives Heidi Eager (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Nicole Boivin |
Molecular archaeoparasitology as a novel tool for the study of trading and migration networks through history Patrik Flammer (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Mark Pollard and Adrian Smith |
Sicilian Amphorae (1st - 6th Centuries AD): Typology, Production and Trade Carmela Franco (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
The Economic Development of the Rhine River Basin in the Roman Period: 30 BC - AD 406 Tyler Franconi (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
Byzantine Ports. Central Greece as a link between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea Alkiviadis Ginalis (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Marlia Mango and Damian Robinson |
The Statuettes and Amulets of Thonis-Heracleion Sanda Heinz (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Bert Smith and John Baines |
Archaic Trade in the Northern Aegean: The case of Methone in Pieria, Greece Alexandra Kasseri (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
Voluntary Barbarians of the Maloti-Drakensberg: The BaPhuthi Chiefdom, Cattle Raiding, and Colonial Rule in Nineteenth-Century Southern Africa Rachel King (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Mitchell |
Han Dynasty (206BC-AD220) Stone Carved Tombs in Central and Eastern China Chen Li (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Jessica Rawson |
Archaeological Manifestations of Rank and Status, the wooden-chamber tombs in the Mid-Yangzi Region (206BC-AD25) Yan Liu (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Jessica Rawson |
The Archaeology of Greek Warriors and Warfare from the Eleventh to the Early Seventh Century B.C.E. Matthew Lloyd (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
An Archaeobotanical Analysis of Silchester and the Wider Region Across the Late Iron Age-Roman Transition Lisa Lodwick (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Mark Robinson |
The Coinage of the Gallic Empire Jerome Mairat (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Roger Bland and Christopher Howgego |
The Context of Organic Residues in Archaeological Vessels of Ceramic and Bronze Kristine Merriman (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Lisa Bendall and Mark Pollard |
Images of Rural Activities on Mosaic Pavements in Late Antiquity in the Levant Elizabeth Montgomerie (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Marlia Mango |
Ancient Mortar Production in Ostia, Italy: Builders and their choices Jennifer Murgatroyd (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Mark Pollard, Marie Jackson and Janet DeLaine |
Social Being and the Navan Complex: c.4000BC - c.90BC David Price (2014) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
The mid Upper Palaeolithic of European Russia: chronology, culture history and context: a study of five Gravettian backed lithic assemblages Natasha Reynolds (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Thomas Higham |
Roman Diet and Nutrition in the Vesuvian Region: A study of the bioarchaeological remains from the Cardo V sewer at Herculaneum Erica Rowan (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Mark Robinson |
A Burning Question: Structural and Isotopic Studies of Cremated Bone in Archaeological Contexts Christophe Snoeck (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Rick Schulting and Julia Lee-Thorp |
Honorific Statuary in the Third Century AD Silja Spranger (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
The co-occurrence of terracotta wheelmade figures and handmade figurines in mainland Greece, Euboea, the Dodecanese, the Cyclades and the Northern Aegean islands, 1200 - 700BC Caroline Thurston (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
The Place of Lead in an Egyptian Port City during the Late Period Elsbeth van der Wilt (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Damian Robinson |
Iron Anchors and Mooring in the Ancient Mediterranean (until ca. 1500 CE) Greg Votruba (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Damian Robinson |
Calcium isotopes in sheep dental enamel: a new approach to studying sheep weaning and dairying in the archaeological record Carrie Wright (2014) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Robert Hedges and Julia Lee-Thorp |
The role of aquatic systems and the re-occupation and settlement of the North European Plain during the Lateglacial Cassian Bramham Law (2013) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Christine Lane |
Royal Statues in Egypt 300BC-AD220: Context and Function Elizabeth Brophy (2013) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Bert Smith and John Baines |
Eastern Han (AD25-220) Tombs in Sichuan Xuan Chen (2013) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Jessica Rawson |
Rethinking the Bronze-Iron transition in Iran: Copper and iron metallurgy before the Achaemenid period Aurelie Cuenod (2013) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Mark Pollard |
The Spaces between Places: a landscape study of foragers on the Greater Mapungubwe Landscape, Southern Africa Tim Forssman (2013) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Mitchell |
Food for Thought: Genetic, Historical and Ethnobotanical Studies of Taro (Colocasia Esculenta (L.) Schott) in Africa Ilaria Maria Grimaldi (2013) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Nicole Boivin |
Palaces and Elite Residences in the Hellenistic East, late fourth to early first century BC: formation and purpose Maria Kopsacheili (2013) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
Houses and Identity in Roman Knossos and Kissamos, Crete: a study in emulative acculturation Anna Kouremenos (2013) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
Aqueducts and Water Supply in the Towns of Post-Roman Spain (AD400-1000) Javier Martinez (2013) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bryan Ward-Perkins |
Agricultural Development in Mid Saxon England Mark McKerracher (2013) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Helena Hamerow and Amy Bogaard |
'That Which Was Missing': The Archaeology of Castration Kathryn Reusch (2013) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Rick Schulting |
Long-distance Trade and the Exploitation of Arid Landscapes in the Roman Imperial Period (First-Third centuries AD) Katia Schorle (2013) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Damian Robinson |
Roman Gems and Jewellery: a Quantitative Study on Trends in Roman Gem Supply and Use from the 1st century BC to the 4th century AD Gabriela Sotomayor (2013) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
Identifying Multiple Gender Identities in the first-century AD: A Study of Personal Adornment and Skeletal Remains from the Bay of Naples Courtney Ward (2013) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Susan Walker |
Travel in the Late Antique Levant: a study of networks of communication and travel infrastructure in the 4th-7th centuries Marlena Whiting (2013) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Marlia Mango |
An Archaeology of Memory: The `Reinvention? of Roman Sarcophagi in Provence during the Middle Ages Rose-marie Wyche (2013) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: John Elsner |
Human and Environmental Change at North Atlantic Coastal Settlements, ca AD900-1800: A chronological perspective Jamie Anderson (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: David Griffiths and Mark Pollard |
The Palaeolithic Occupation of the Thar Desert James Blinkhorn (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Nicole Boivin and Michael Petraglia |
The Western Caucasus - Imported Armour in the Hellenistic Period Sujatha Chandrasekaran (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Michael Vickers |
The Redefined Centre, Periphery and Margin: The long-term interaction sphere of southern China 3000-221 BC Yi Chen (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Jessica Rawson |
Dating the Aterian using techniques of luminescence dating and implications for mapping the dispersal of modern Homo Sapiens Laine Clark-Balzan (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Jean-Luc Schwenninger |
An Archaeological and Documentary Investigation of Ephesus from the Middle Byzantine into the Ottoman Period Yaman Dalanay (2012) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Marlia Mango |
An Archaeobotanical Investigation of Plant Use, Crop Husbandry and Animal Diet at early-mid Neolithic Catalhoyuk Central Anatolia Dragana Filipovic (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Amy Bogaard |
Hominin Dispersals and the Middle Palaeolithic of Arabia Huw Groucutt (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Michael Petraglia |
An Urban Geography of the Roman World, 100BC to AD300 John Hanson (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
Southeast Asia in the ancient Indian Ocean World: Combining historical linguistic and archaeological approaches Tom Hoogervorst (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Nicole Boivin and Chris Gosden |
Life and Death in the Korean Bronze Age (c.1500-400 BC): An analysis of settlements and monuments in the mid-Korean peninsula Sunwoo Kim (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Chris Gosden and Rick Schulting |
Bayesian Methods for the Construction of Robust Chronologies Sharen Lee (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Christopher Bronk Ramsey |
Development and Application of an Analytical Method for Radiocarbon Dating Bones using the Amino Acid Hydroxyproline Anat Marom-Rotem (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Robert Hedges, PeterDitchfield and James McCullagh |
Foragers on the Frontiers: The |Xam Bushmen of the Northern Cape, South Africa, in the Nineteenth Century Mark McGranaghan (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Mitchell |
Complex assemblages, complex social structures: rural settlements in the Upper and Middle Thames Valley 100BC-AD100 Wendy Morrison (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
Stable Isotope Evidence for Diet Change in Roman and Medieval Italy: local, regional and continental perspectives Erika Nitsch (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Robert Hedges and James McCullagh |
Late Holocene Archaeology in Namaqualand, South Africa: Hunter-Gatherers and Herders in a Semi-Arid Environment Jayson Orton (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Mitchell |
Port Economies and Maritime Trade in the Roman Mediterranean: 166 BC to AD 300 Candace Rice (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
The Development of Emotional Rendering in Greek Art 525-400 Jonah Rosenberg (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Donna Kurtz |
Placed Deposits in Early and Middle Anglo-Saxon Rural Settlements Clifford Sofield (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Helena Hamerow |
Interregional Interaction and Social Change in the Early Bronze Age of the Carpathian Basin Vajk Szeverenyi (2012) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
Greek and Related Pottery from Al Mina. A Case Study of Production, Consumption and Distribution of Greek Pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean from the 9th to the end of the 7th Century BC Alexander Vacek (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
After the Achaemenids: Exchange, Transmission and Transformation in the Visual Culture of Babylonia, Iran and Bactria c.330 - c.100BC Rachel Wood (2012) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
The Performative Construction of Identity in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties Neil Coomber (2011) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Jessica Rawson |
Investigating the Chronology of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic Transition in Mediterranean Europe by Improved Radiocarbon Dating of Shell Ornaments Katerina Douka (2011) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Robert Hedges |
Bernicia and the Sea: Coastal Communities and Landscape in North-East England and South East Scotland, C.450-850 A.D. Christopher Ferguson (2011) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Helena Hamerow |
Pyla-Kokkinokremos, Maa-Palaeokastro and the settlement histories of Cyprus in the twelfth century BC Artemis Georgiou (2011) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
A Re-evaluation of the Evidence of Anglian-British Interaction in the Lincoln Region Caitlin Green (2011) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Helena Hamerow |
The Changing Scale and Mode of Textile Production in Late Saxon England : Its Relationship to Developments in Textile Technology Philippa Henry (2011) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
Salt Production, Distribution and Use during the British Iron Age Janice Kinory (2011) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Gary Lock |
Carbon Isotopic Dietary Signatures of Amino Acids Anthony Lynch (2011) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Robert Hedges and James McCullagh |
A Multi-Proxy Approach to Examining Palaeoenviromental Signals and Tephrochronology during the Middle Palaeolithic and Epipalaeolithic Phases at Grotte des Pigeons, Gaforalt, Morocco Anna Oh (2011) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Mark Pollard |
The Portraiture of Caracalla and Geta: Form, Context, Function Guido Petruccioli (2011) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
Praxiteles`s Knidia: The statue and its reception Sadie Pickup (2011) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Donna Kurtz |
Accommodating the Divine: The Form and Function of Religious Buildings in Latial and Etruscan Settlements c.900-500 B.C. Charlotte Potts (2011) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Janet DeLaine |
Social Change Along the Middle Yangzi River: Re-configurations of Late Neolithic Society Sascha Priewe (2011) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Jessica Rawson |
Research on Radiocarbon Calibration Records, Focussing on New Measurements from Lake Suigetsu, Japan Richard Staff (2011) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Christopher Bronk Ramsey |
The Cobalt Blue Pigment used on Islamic Ceramics and Chinese Blue-and-White Porcelain Rui Wen (2011) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Mark Pollard |
The Contribution of New Radiocarbon Dating Pre-treatment Techniques to Understanding the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic Transition in Iberia Rachel Wood (2011) ORA | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Thomas Higham |
Pompeii, Insula IX. 3: A case study of urban infrastructure Heini Ynnila (2011) ORA | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Janet DeLaine |
Demolition, salvage and reuse in the City of Rome 100 BC - AD 315 Simon Barker (2010) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Janet DeLaine |
Tang Sancai Qichen Jiang (2010) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Jessica Rawson |
Cults and Relics at Constantinople: Their Origins and Development Before Iconoclasm (A.D. 330-720) Georges Kazan (2010) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Marlia Mango |
Culture and Gender in the Danelaw: Scandinavian and Anglo-Scandinavian Brooches, 850-1050 Jane Kershaw (2010) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Helena Hamerow |
Production and Trade of Roman and Late Roman African Cookwares Victoria Leitch (2010) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
Egyptian statuary from the Abukir Bay: Ptolemaic and Roman finds from Herakleion and Canopus Emma Libonati (2010) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Bert Smith and John Baines |
Votive Stelae, Religion and Cultural Change in Africa Proconsularis and Numidia, 200BC-AD300 Matthew McCarty (2010) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
Extracting Social Information from Bronze Age Ceramics David Mitchell (2010) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Irene Lemos and Gary Lock |
Recycling the Roman Villa: The use of architectural components as raw materials for small-scale production in the late Roman period Beth Munro (2010) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Janet DeLaine |
Numerical Modelling of Environmental Dose Rate and its Application to Trapped Charge Dating Roger Nathan (2010) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Mark Pollard |
Geometric Rock Art Along the Luangwa Escarpment, Zambia and its Relationship with the Later Stone Age in Southern and South-Central Africa Marcelle Olivier (2010) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Mitchell |
Dynamics of the Transport, Distribution and Crystallisation of Soluble Salts in Sandstone: Implications for Conservation of Historic Buildings Satish Pandey (2010) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Heather Viles and Mark Pollard |
The Art of Hellenistic Warfare: Context, Images and Violence Roberto Rossi (2010) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
Towards the Greek Colonization: the interaction between Greece and Italy from the end of the Bronze Age to the Iron Age Giulia Saltini Semerari (2010) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
The Facade Tombs of Petra: From Exterior to Interior Lucy Wadeson (2010) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Judith Mckenzie |
The Zhou Chariot: Politics, Cultural Interaction, and Identity Hsiao-yun Wu (2010) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Jessica Rawson |
How Others Drink their Wine: An Inter-contextual Approach to the Ethnic Makeup of the Ebro Valley (Spain) in the Iron Age Aaron Alzola Romero (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Chris Gosden and Barrington Cunliffe |
Gestures, Postures and Body Actions in Hellenistic Art Jane Anderson (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
Modelling Bullet Trajectories on Historic Battlefields Using Exterior Ballistics Simulation and Target-Oriented Visibility " Michael Athanson (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Gary Lock |
Tomb Portraits under the Roman Empire: Local Contexts and Cultural Styles Lucy Audley-Miller (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
The Reception of Classical Antiquity in Calabria, 500-1700AD Dominique Bouchard (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Donna Kurtz |
Exploring the Social Basis of Technology: Reanalysing Regional Archaeometric Studies of the First Copper and Tin-Bronze Use in Great Britain and Ireland Peter Bray (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Mark Pollard |
Cruelty and Sentimentality: Greek attitudes to animals, 600-300 BC Louise Calder (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Donna Kurtz |
The Production and Display of Monumental Figural Sculpture in Constantinople, AD 829-1204 Simon Davies (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Marlia Mango |
A High-Precision Radiocarbon Chronology for Ancient Egypt using Bayesian Statistical Modelling Michael Dee (2009) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Christopher Bronk Ramsey |
The material culture of folklore: British ethnographic collections between 1890 and 1900 Oliver Douglas (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
Heading for Trouble: Skeletal Evidence for Interpersonal Violence in Neolithic Northwest Europe Linda Fibiger (2009) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Rick Schulting |
The Acadians of Mi`kma`ki: An Archaeology of Acadian Identities Prior to 1755 Jonathan Fowler (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
Skeuomorphs and Stone Working: Elaborate Lithics from the Early Metal-Using Era in Coastal Northwest Europe Catherine Frieman (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
The economy of the Roman province of Dalmatia Kristina Glicksman (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
Techniques of Red-Figure Vase-Painting in Late Sixth- and Fifth-Century Athens Chia-lin Hsu (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Donna Kurtz |
Change in the Iron Age of the Lower Rhone: Mediterranean Cosmopolitanism or Colonization? Victoria Jefferson (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
The Long Term Dynamic Influence of Human Activity on Topsoil Magnetic Susceptibility Anthony Johnson (2009) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Gary Lock and Adrian Allsop |
Resemblance and Resistance: Contacts Between the Shang and the South During the Period from c.1500-c.1045BC Celine Lai (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Jessica Rawson |
A Study of the Painted Funerary Portraits from Roman Antinoopolis Lauren Martin (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Susan Walker |
Art and Text in Late Antiquity: The Language of Christian Narrative Images Rebecca McGann (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: John Elsner |
Sacred and Civic Stone Monuments of the Northwest Roman Provinces Stacey McGowen (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
Roman Moesia Superior: the creation of a new provincial entity and processes of multicultural adjustment Dragana Mladenovic (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
North Sea and Channel Connectivity during the Late Iron Age and Roman Periods (175/150 BC-AD 409) Francis Morris (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Helena Hamerow and Andrew Wilson |
Jin Dynasty Tombs in Southern Shanxi: Popular contribution to northern Chinese burial patterns Benedetta Mottino (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Jessica Rawson |
Early Iron Age Exchange in the West: Phoenicians in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Eleftheria Pappa (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Irene Lemos |
Sculpted Stone and the Roman Economy: 100BC - AD300 Benjamin Russell (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Bert Smith and Andrew Wilson |
Antiquities Trade: Cultural biographies of two Euphronios vases looted from Etruria Vernon Silver (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
City Boundaries and Urban Development in Roman Italy, 4th Century BC - AD271 Saskia Stevens (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Janet DeLaine |
For the Glory of the Nation: The reception of Graeco-Roman antiquities in eighteenth-century Spain Alessandra Sulzer (2009) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Donna Kurtz |
Sumptuary Behaviour in Early Bronze Age Anatolia; The Royal Tombs of Alacahoyuk and the Treasure Deposits of Troy Christoph Bachhuber (2008) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Barrington Cunliffe |
Development of LM OSL Analysis Techniques for Applications to Optical Dating Diana Bailey (2008) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Mark Pollard |
Tessa Verney Wheeler: Women and Archaeology before World War Two Lydia Carr (2008) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Chris Gosden and Barrington Cunliffe |
Delineating Pastoralist Behaviour and Long-Term Environmental Change: A GIS Landscape Approach on the Laikipia Plateau, Kenya Michael Causey (2008) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Peter Mitchell and Gary Lock |
The Impact of the Horse on the Amatola 'Bushmen': New Identity in the Maloti-Drakensberg Mountains of Southern Africa William Challis (2008) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Mitchell |
Food and Society in Late Roman Britain: Determining Dietary Patterns Using Stable Isotope Analysis Colleen Cummings (2008) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Robert Hedges |
An Applied Archaeological and Anthropological Study of Intensive Agriculture in the Northern Cherangani Hills, Kenya Matthew Davies (2008) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Mitchell |
A Study of Late Bronze Age Tholos Tombs in the Aegean, ca 1700-1200 B.C. Ioannis Galanakis (2008) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Donald Bennet |
The Arrival of Sailing Technology in the Aegean John Gallagher (2008) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Donald Bennet |
The Palaeodietary Implications of Amino Acid Stable Isotope Analysis: Developments in the Application of Compound Specific Isotope Techniques to Archaeological Bone Collagen Noah Honch (2008) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Robert Hedges |
Social Differentiation and Diet in Early Anglo-Saxon England: Stable Isotope Analysis of Archaeological Human and Animal Remains Bradley Hull (2008) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisors: Robert Hedges and Helena Hamerow |
Church Architecture of Northern Mesopotamia, AD300-800 Elif Keser Kayaalp (2008) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Marlia Mango |
Exploring the Variability of Microtephra Deposits: Chemical Characterisation and Discrimination Methods Christine Lane (2008) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Mark Pollard |
The Iron Age Archaeology of the Upper Thames and North Oxfordshire Region, with especial reference to the Eastern Cotswolds Alexander Lang (2008) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Barrington Cunliffe |
Mors Immatura: Portraits of Children on Roman Funerary Monuments in the West Jason Mander (2008) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Janet DeLaine |
Mobility, Climate Change and Cultural Development. A revised view from the Lower Tilemsi Valley, north eastern Mali Katie Manning (2008) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Mitchell |
Aspects of the Archaeology of Western Asia Minor in the post-Roman period, with particular reference to the Thrakesion Theme and to the production and circulation of amphorae Theodore Papaioannou (2008) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Marlia Mango |
Jars of Clay: The use of Protocorinthian Pottery in Corinthian and Syracusan Society Thomas Patrick (2008) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Donna Kurtz |
The Metalware from the Sanctuary Complex at Herakleion-Thonis Zoe Robinson (2008) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Damian Robinson |
African Slavery and Forced Migration to Barbados: An Isotopic Perspective Hannes Schroeder (2008) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Robert Hedges |
Hellenistic Gymnasia: The Built Space and Social Dynamics of a Polis Institution Stella Skaltsa (2008) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
The Early Black-Figured Pottery of Attika in Context (ca. 630-570 B.C.) Alexandra-fani Alexandridou (2007) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Donna Kurtz |
The Southern Necropolis of Cyrene Luca Cherstich (2007) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
Portable Goddesses: The Use and Significance of Pipeclay Figurines of Venus in the Northern Roman Provinces from the First-Third Centuries CE Cynthia Drakeman (2007) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Bert Smith and Martin Henig |
Figured Tombstones from Macedonia, Fifth to First Century B.C. Myrina Kalaitzi (2007) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
Images and Monuments of Local Rulers in the Roman Near East (100BC-AD100) Andreas Kropp (2007) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
The City in Motion: Movement and Space in Roman Architecture and Gardens from 100BC to AD150 Elizabeth Macaulay Lewis (2007) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Janet DeLaine |
Development of new analytical techniques for amino acid isotope analysis with application to palaeodietary reconstruction James McCullagh (2007) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Robert Hedges |
Town and Gown: Amateurs and Academics. The Discovery of British Prehistory; Oxford 1850-1900 'A Pastime Professionalised' Megan Price (2007) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
The Application of Stable Hydrogen Isotope Analysis to the Study of Ancient Diet Linda Reynard (2007) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Robert Hedges |
Refitting Repasts: A Spatial Exploration of Food Processing, Sharing and Disposal at the Dunefield Midden Campsite Brian Stewart (2007) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Peter Mitchell |
Early Byzantine Jewellery and Related Finds from the Underwater Excavations in Abuqir Bay in Egypt: Their Classification, Production, and Function Yvonne Stolz (2007) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Marlia Mango |
The Design and Purpose of Roman Fortlets in the North-Western Frontier Provinces of the Empire Matthew Symonds (2007) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
Sacred Sites and Power in West Hallstatt Chiefdoms: The Cases of Bourges, Vix, Chatillon-Sur-Glane and Hochdorf Adriene Tacla (2007) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Barrington Cunliffe |
Villae Expolitae: Aspects of the Architecture and Culture of Roman Country Houses on the Bay of Naples (c. 100 BCE - 79 CE) Mantha Zarmakoupi (2007) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
Statues of Children in the Hellenistic Period Olympia Bobou (2006) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
Islander, landscape and identity in the Channel Islands, U.K. during the Neolithic David Bukach (2006) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Barrington Cunliffe |
Images and Identities in the Funerary Art of Western Anatolia, 600-450BC: Phrygia, Hellespontine Phrygia, Lydia Catherine Draycott (2006) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
Maize and Sociopolitical Complexity in the Ayacucho Valley, Peru Brian Finucane (2006) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Robert Hedges |
Reusing Roman Monuments in Arles and Nimes: An Evaluation of Heritage Management Strategies in Local Government Paul Gardner (2006) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Chris Gosden |
Defining Monumental Realities: A Study of Inscriptions as Monuments in the Urban Landscapes of Ephesus and Aphrodisias Abigail Graham (2006) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Alan Bowman |
Athenian Black-Figure Iconography Between 510 and 475 BC Eleni Hatzivassiliou (2006) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Donna Kurtz |
Burial Practices of the Liao (907-1125) Khitan Elite: A Reflection of Hybrid Culture Hiromi Kinoshita (2006) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Jessica Rawson |
The World of Cosmas: The Universe Described and Depicted in Byzantine Manuscripts of the Christian Topography Maja Kominko (2006) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Elizabeth Jeffreys |
Texts as Contexts for Viewing: Ekphrasis, Inscribed Decoration and Glass Open-work Vessels in Late Antiquity Hallie Meredith (2006) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
The Discovery, Collection and Scholarship of Classical Greek and Greco-Scythian Antiquities in Imperial Russia Hans-caspar Meyer (2006) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Donna Kurtz |
New Developments in the Interpretation of Dendrochronology as Applied to Oak Building Timbers Daniel Miles (2006) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Christopher Bronk Ramsey |
The Production of Middle Byzantine Ivory, Bone and Wooden Caskets with Secular Decoration Anthousa Papagiannaki (2006) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Marlia Mango |
Sleepers in the Valley: Athenian Vase Painting 600-400 B.C. and 'Beautiful Death' David Saunders (2006) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Donna Kurtz |
Studies in Extracting Isotopic Information from Archaeological Bone Ji young Shin (2006) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Robert Hedges |
The Mycenaean Presence in the Prefecture of Macedonia Archondia Thanos (2006) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Donald Bennet |
Techniques of Production of Hellenistic and Roman Mosaics William Wootton (2006) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Bert Smith |
A Reassessment of the Ancient Sailing Season. The Case for Wintertime Seafaring on the Graeco-Roman Mediterranean James Beresford (2005) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
Late Roman to early Medieval transition in the province of Namur (Belgium) Gesine Bruss (2005) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Helena Hamerow |
Medieval Cappadocia (9th to Mid 11th Century) and the Byzantine Elite: The Archaeological Evidence Eric Cooper (2005) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Marlia Mango |
Silver in the Late Iron Age and Early Roman East Anglia Megan Dennis (2005) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Jeremy Northover |
A Study of Byzantine Sgraffito Wares (11th-13th Century ) Classification, Production, Circulation, and [LF]Art Historical Analysis" Johanna Dimopoulos (2005) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Marlia Mango |
The Technology of Egyptian Blue Gareth Hatton (2005) | DPhil Archaeological Science | Supervisor: Michael Tite |
An Archaeology of Minoan Religion in the Neopalatial Period Matthew Haysom (2005) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Donald Bennet |
Water Supply and Management in the Near East 63BC-AD636 Zena Kamash (2005) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
Byzantine Coinage AD 1204 -1453: Some Problems in Monetary Affairs Eleni Lianta (2005) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Nicholas Mayhew |
A Bioanthropological Perspective on the Punic Period in Ibiza (Spain) as Evidenced by Human Skeletal Remains Nicholas Marquez-Grant (2005) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: James Allan |
Economic Production in the Monasteries of Egypt and Oriens, AD 320-800 Lukas Schachner (2005) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Marlia Mango |
Classical and Hellenistic Coarse Pottery from Euesperides (Benghazi, Libya): Archaeological and Petrological Approaches to Production and Inter-Regional Distribution Keith Swift (2005) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisor: Andrew Wilson |
Religion, Community and Territory: Defining Religion in the Severn Valley and the Adjacent Hills from the Iron Age to the Early Medieval Period Stephen Yeates (2005) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Martin Henig and Barrington Cunliffe |
Construction of space in early Holocene iron gates Vuk Trifkovic (2004) | DPhil Archaeology | Supervisors: Gary Lock and Chris Gosden |
Supervisors including their research interests and contact details, can be found on our academic/senior research staff pages. In addition a list of potential supervisors, with the topics they are able to supervise on is given below to help find the right people to contact.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact a prospective supervisor (academic member of staff) before applying to establish if they are accepting new students, and to get their advice on the research proposal and feasibility of the project given the resources available.
Supervisor | Topics | Key words |
Lisa Bendall | Any aspect of the Aegean Bronze Age, including topics on scripts, religion, economy, banqueting, identities, trade and social interactions beyond the Aegean (especially Anatolia and the Eastern Mediterranean). | archives, gender and identity, inequality, interaction, maritime, religion, trade, urbanism, Linear B, Aegean Bronze Age scripts, earlier prehistory, later prehistory, Aegean Prehistory, Europe, W Asia, Aegean, Eastern Mediterranean |
Amy Bogaard | Late prehistoric archaeology, including topics on farming, food, agroecologies, inequality, households, urbanisation and domestication, including novel methodological approaches. | bioarchaeology, biocultural heritage, farming and herding, inequality, land use, urbanisation, later prehistory, Europe, W Asia, Eurasia, Africa, W Asia |
Mike Charles | Farming societies of western Asia; origins and spread of agriculture; plant domestication; the role of plants in prehistory; crop/livestock integration; palynological approaches to past land use systems. Establishing impact of preservation processes on plant material. | bioarchaeology, farming and herding, domestication, land use, urbanisation, woodlands, later prehistory, W Asia, Europe, Eurasia |
Shadreck Chirikure | Ancient materials and technologies including archaeometallurgy, low and high temperature ceramics and glass; cross craft overlaps in techniques, skills, knowledge and how natural and artificial materials and technologies used to work them shaped the evolution of societies of the past 10 000 years. | material, technologies of making, trade, interaction, materiality, museums, pottery, resilience, material culture, artefacts, exchange, later prehistory, Africa, Eurasia, Americas |
Timothy Clack | Contemporary archaeology, conflict archaeology, landscape archaeology, the role of the material past in the construction of modern memories and identities, protection and destruction of cultural heritage, theoretical and methodological approaches to past and present conflicts, and the relationship between archaeology and anthropology. | decolonisation, endangered heritage, wellbeing, policy, land use, conflict, climate change, memory, identity, media, contemporary, Africa, Central Asia, Europe, South Atlantic, Antarctica, Caucasus |
Manuel Fernández-Götz | A broad range of topics related to late prehistoric and early historic temperate Europe and the Mediterranean. Particular current thematic areas of interest include the origins of the first cities, the archaeology of identities, migrations, conflict archaeology, and colonial encounters. | urbanisation, urbanism, migration, mobility, materiality, inequality, gender and identity, decolonisation, conflict archaeology, later prehistory, Classical-Roman, Europe, Eurasia |
Bill Finlayson | Topics relating to hunter-gather - farmer transitions, especially the social and material culture contexts in SW Asia and NW Europe (chipped stone technology and use; built landscape; knowledge transfer; experimental archaeology); the weoponisation, destruction and protection of cultural heritage. | decolonisation, domestic space, endangered heritage, inequality, materiality, policy, technologies of making, earlier prehistory, contemporary, W Asia, Europe |
Dylan Gaffney | The archaeology of the Pacific and Southeast Asia, global Pleistocene archaeology, exploratory archaeological survey and excavation, zooarchaeological analyses of past human–animal interactions, multiproxy palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of vegetational and faunal change, technological and geochemical examinations of lithic or ceramic artefacts to examine mobility and exchange patterns, ethnoarchaeological research on technology and subsistence. | excavations, human evolution, humans and other animals, biocultural heritage, migration, trade, longue duree, technologies of making, island archaeology, human ecology, lithics, zooarchaeology, pottery, earlier prehistory, later prehistory, contemporary, SE Asia, Oceania |
David Griffiths | Historical/medieval, Viking-Age, landscape archaeology and heritage. | excavations, endangered heritage, populations and regions, urbanism, landscape, medieval, first millennium CE, Europe, Britain, Scandinavia |
Helena Hamerow | A broad range of topics related to the archaeology of early medieval Europe, including its rural economy, mortuary practices, and material culture, in particular for the period c. 400-900. | trade, migration, gender and identity, archives, domestic space, excavations, farming and herding, inequality, medieval, Europe |
Anke Hein | Chinese and broader East and Southeast Asian Archaeology, in particular but not limited to prehistoric and early historic periods, including research on ceramic technology, culture contact and human movement, and the history and practice of archaeological research as well its broader societal impact. | archives, technologies of making, decolonisation, gender and identity, interaction, materiality, mobility, museums, theories and practice, policy, earlier prehistory, later prehistory, contemporary, early historic, historic, E Asia, SE Asia |
Dan Hicks | All aspects of the archaeology and material and visual culture of the post-medieval, 19th-century, modern and contemporary past, including heritage studies, museum studies, histories of landscape and the built environment, and the intersections between histories of art and histories of science. Particular current thematic areas of interest include colonialism/decolonisation, conflict/war, memory cultures/memorialisation, and histories of the climate emergency. | decolonisation, biocultural heritage, curation, endangered heritage, materiality, museums, policy, contemporary, post-medieval, Europe, Africa, Americas |
Christopher Howgego | Topics connected with the Coin Hoards of the Roman Empire project: | digital archaeology, trade, wealth, Classical-Roman, Europe, Eurasia, Africa, Roman coinage, Roman economy, coin hoards, coin circulation, numismatics |
Ine Jacobs | Topics related to late antique urbanism, the archaeology of religion and popular culture in Late Antiquity, and the Byzantine Dark Ages. | domestic space, excavations, gender and identity, religion, resilience, urbanism, wealth, material religion , architecture, Classical-Roman, medieval, late antique, Byzantine, Europe, W Asia |
Jane Kershaw | Any aspect of Viking-Age archaeology, especially gender, resource exploitation, systems of exchange, rural and maritime landscapes and interactions at the edges of the 'Viking world', particularly in the east. | materiality, gender and identity, maritime, material, mobility, trade, wealth, silk road, metals and money, landscape, medieval, early medieval , Viking Age, Eurasia, Europe |
Greger Larson | Domestication, phylogenetics, evolutionary genomics, human / animal interactions. | bioarchaeology, farming and herding, longue duree, humans and other animals, human evolution, interaction, mobility |
Irene Lemos | Wide range of topics on the Late Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean including interactions, exchange patterns, burial practices, regional and interregional analyses, material culture, societal structures and relations. | excavations, material culture, Burial practices, resilience, social structures, Classical-Greek, Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, Archaic Period, Early Classical, Europe, Mediterranean, Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Levant |
Lambros Malafouris | General areas of cognitive, anthropological and theoretical archaeology; material engagement theory, the relationship cognition and material culture, the anthropology of technics, creativity, making, self and the body, human becoming, material semiotics, and the effects of materiality on mental health. | materiality, wellbeing, cognitive archaeology, anthropological archaeology, archaeological theory, self and the body, creativity and human becoming |
Liam McNamara | The archaeology and material culture of ancient Egypt and Sudan, particularly the late Predynastic and Early Dynastic periods (late 4th–early 3rd millennium BC), for which the Ashmolean holds the most significant collections outside Egypt. | archives, curation, decolonisation, excavations, material, museums, technologies of making, urbanisation, Egyptology, ancient Egyptian art, fieldwork, object distribution, history of collections, earlier prehistory, later prehistory, Predynastic Egypt, Early Dynastic Egypt, Dynastic Egypt, Africa, Egypt, Sudan, Nubia |
Milena Melfi | Hellenistic and Roman Greece, archaeology of religion, memory, change and cultural history. Topics relating to the use of casts, copies and replicas of Greek and Roman objects in museum displays, especially in connection with colonial/imperial policies. | curation, decolonisation, excavations, health, religion, resilience, material, mobility, Classical-Greek, Classical-Roman, contemporary, Europe |
Peter Mitchell | Topics relating to the archaeology of sub-Saharan Africa with a strong preference for southern regions of the continent and/or the archaeology of Middle and Later Stone Age hunter-gatherers. Research related to human/equine and human/canine interactions would also be of potential interest. | excavations, endangered heritage, farming and herding, humans and other animals, trade, hunter-gatherers, impacts of colonialism, later prehistory, Africa |
Catherine Morgan | Greek Archaeology, including topics on political organization, sanctuaries, landscape, trade, and manufacturing and extractive industries. I specialize in mainland Greece, the Adriatic, and the Black Sea. | trade, technologies of making, excavations, endangered heritage, museums, mobility, pottery, religion, political organization, later prehistory, Classical-Greek, contemporary, Europe, Greece, Adriatic, Black Sea |
Courtney Nimura | Material culture from the Bronze and Iron Ages in Europe; rock art (Europe, South Africa, Australia); portable art and prehistoric art (Europe); other topics situated in the Bronze and Iron Ages in Europe; Ashmolean collection-related topics; curatorial and museum studies topics. | curation, digital archaeology, material, materiality, museums, religion, trade, interaction, later prehistory, Europe, rock art, portable art, prehistoric art |
Charlotte Potts | Topics relating to the archaeology of Etruscan and Latin religion, architecture in early central Italy, and approaches to the display of these cultures in modern museums. | curation, materiality, museums, religion, architecture, contemporary, Classical-Roman, later prehistory, pre-Roman Italy, Archaic Italy, Europe, central Italy |
John Pouncett | Spatial archaeology or landscape archaeology, including studies on GiS, spatial analysis, remote sensing, archaeological prospection, ancient woodlands, isoscapes and geographic assignment. | digital archaeology, land use, mobility, woodlands, spatial analysis, GIS, landscape, archaeological prospection, later prehistory, Europe, Eurasia |
Christopher Bronk Ramsey | Interdisciplinary topics (especially involving mathematical, physical or data sciences), applications of chronological modelling, and lessons from past climate change. | chronology, digital archaeology, human evolution, resilience, policy, radiocarbon calibration, climate change, earlier prehistory, later prehistory, medieval, Quaternary, Europe, Americas, E Asia, Egypt, Japan |
Damian Robinson | Maritime archaeology, including topics on shipwrecks, ports and harbour infrastructure, maritime cultural and sunken landscapes, studies on material culture from maritime sites, and methodological approaches. | maritime, excavations, interaction, materiality, trade, later prehistory, Classical-Greek, Classical-Roman, medieval, Europe, SE Asia, Mediterranean, Egypt, maritime and fluvial Northern Europe, Indian Ocean, Western Pacific Ocean |
Rick Schulting | Topics addressing human and animal diet and mobility, individual life histories, inequality, conflict and human adaptations to coastal zones and islands. | bioarchaeology, diet, mobility, chronology, health, farming and herding, inequality, resilience, hunter-gatherers, conflict, violence, warfare, earlier prehistory, later prehistory, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Europe, Eurasia, Americas, Britain, Ireland, Siberia, Bahamas, Japan |
Jean-Luc Schwenninger | Research into the application and development of luminescence dating of samples from archaeological excavations and museum collections including, extending the age range by using different chronometers and novel methods of analysis such as infrared radio-fluorescence, exploring the use of spatially resolved luminescence with low light imaging devices, developing new methods for studying unconventional types of sample and improving existing capabilities for assessing the environmental dose rate. | chronology, museums, pottery, human evolution, longue duree, migration, bioarchaeology, excavations, islands, human impact, earlier prehistory, later prehistory, medieval, post-medieval, Classical-Roman, Classical-Greek, contemporary, Quaternary, Pleistocene , Holocene, Africa, Europe, Eurasia, S Asia, SE Asia, Eurasia, W Asia, Americas |
Andrew Shapland | Aegean Bronze Age archaeology, particularly Minoan Crete and the history of the discipline; approaches to human-animal relations through material culture/iconography; topics involving the Ashmolean Museum's Greek collections (Bronze Age-Classical). | archives, curation, humans and other animals, materiality, museums, later prehistory, Classical-Greek, Minoan, Bronze Age, Homeric, Europe, Greece, Crete |
Victoria Smith | Tephrochronology, tephrostratigraphy, volcanic geology, and using tephra layers to provide chronology for archaeological and palaeonvironmental sequences. | chronology, resilience, archives, earlier prehistory, later prehistory, E Asia, Europe, Eurasia, Americas |
Maria Stamatopoulou | Topics on Greek archaeology and art, in particular funerary archaeology, archival archaeology, iconography, painting, terracottas, domestic space, material religion; specialisation in mainland Greece, in particular Thessaly and Macedonia during the first millennium BCE. | archives, domestic space, excavations, pottery, material, religion, gender and identity, Thessaly, Macedonia, Classical-Greek, eastern Mediterranean, Europe, mortuary practices, iconography |
Eleanor Standley | Later medieval archaeology topics, particularly those with a strong focus on artefacts, and archaeologies of beliefs, religion, the body and emotion. | material, materiality, gender and identity, religion, museums, archives, curation, religion, later medieval material culture, archaeology of emotion, archaeology of the body, memory and beliefs, medieval, post-medieval, later medieval, early modern, Europe, Britain |
Peter Stewart | Graeco-Roman art, including topics on Roman sculpture, Roman provincial art, antiquities collecting, and connections between Rome and the wider world of ancient art (e.g. Gandhara, India, and Central Asia). | archives, biography, digital archaeology, museums, silk road, art, sculpture, painting, global ancient art, collecting, Classical-Roman, Classical-Greek, post-medieval, early modern, Europe, Central Asia, S Asia, W Asia, Mediterranean |
Amy Styring | Topics involving reconstructing past diets (of both humans and animals), cultivation and animal management practices, and their impact on the environment using isotopic analysis, particularly projects aiming to advance compound specific isotope approaches to address these questions. | bioarchaeology, biocultural heritage, diet, farming and herding, land use, woodlands, earlier prehistory, later prehistory, medieval, Africa, Eurasia |
Andrew Wilson | Topics connected with the Roman economy, ancient technology, water management and supply, and archaeological evidence for settlement response to environmental change in the Roman period. | land use, urbanisation, material, populations and regions, silk road, trade, urbanism, wealth, Roman economy, technology, aqueducts, water management, mining, Classical-Roman, Europe, Africa, North Africa, Asia Minor, Levant |
Rachel Wood | Projects where radiocarbon dating plays a key role in the thesis, including projects developing new methodologies (including for example compound specific approaches and investigations into the impact of diagenesis) and projects applying radiocarbon dating to a wide range of archaeological and forensic questions; projects where radiocarbon plays a large role in a thesis within other fields, e.g. geoscience or carbon cycle research (as a co-supervisor). | chronology, earlier prehistory, later prehistory, medieval, Africa, Americas, Central Asia, E Asia, Eurasia, Europe, S Asia, SE Asia |